Our History

About two hundred years ago a young man opened a public house in merry Old England. His hobby was the classic sport of fox hunting and he chose the name Fox & Hounds Pub for his fine establishment.

Things went well, but he was the restless type and longed for more adventure and wanted to travel to the New World. This was not to be without his beloved pub though, as he disassembled the heavy timbered building and shipped it and himself off to the western frontier of Canada. He settled in the wilderness of British Columbia in a handsome grove of alder trees. He called the place Aldergrove ~

This was great fox country as he’d heard through mates from the Hudson’s Bay Co. and he could continue his beloved sport in grand style. The heavy, original timbers from his pub in England were used to frame his new pub, a gathering place for his hunting buddies in this new land. Through the years the Fox & Hounds has seen many generations of patrons through the doors,
~ truly a Neighbourhood Pub.

As the town grew so did the little pub. Over time new additions were added, and each was slightly different in style and form, The result was an eclectic collection of rooms, each filled with artifacts and treasures from the Publican’s many adventures and travels as well as memorabilia from friends here and from the old country.

a small brick wall with two ceramic dogs and a ceramic fox on top. titled: fox & hounds

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